For each reading selection, you must:
select quotes from the selection that you especially enjoy,
select words that you want to learn and attempt to make part of your active vocabulary
write a reflection on the selection,
you may choose to write whatever else you choose to write about related to the reading selection.
All should be recorded in your journal.

"Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary."
Boris Pastemak

literary terms
For each reading selection, you must:
select quotes from the selection that you especially enjoy,
select words that you want to learn and attempt to make part of your active vocabulary
write a reflection on the selection,
you may choose to write whatever else you choose to write about related to the reading selection.
All should be recorded in your journal.

Create an account on Goodreads. For each selection we read in class, write a review about it. Let your reveiw include:
Describe the setting
Describe the main characters (write a sentence describing each)
Describe the opening (at least 6 sentences)
Describe the middle (at least 2 pargraphs). What does the main character do and what happens to him/her.
Describe the ending (at least 6 sentences)
Tell hou you liked the book (or other work your read) and why. Tell if you recommend the book (or other work) to anyone else. One paragraph.