Simplicity William Zinsser
Teachers of writing tend to stress two, apparently contradictory, philosophies about writing.
The first is that clear thinking makes for clear writing. This point of view assumes that thinking precedes writing, that you need to get your thoughts in order before you can write.
The second is that you don't really know wht you think until you write it down. This point of view assumes that writing is a process of discovery and that thinking and writing occur more or less simultaneously.
Write an essay to explain which position you think Zinsser would take. What evidence doees he present to support this position? Then explain your position on the matter. Draw on your own experience as a writer.

"Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary."
Boris Pastemak
After you read the essay, think about the following questions:
State simply Zinsser's meaning in the opening paragraph. What faults of 'bad writing" does he mention in this paragraph?
To what is Zinsser objecting in paragraph 2?
What, according to the author, is the "secret of good writing" (par. 3)? Explain this "secret" in a few simple words of your own. What does Zinsser say detracts from good writing? Why does Zinsser write that these faults "usually occur, in proportion to education and rank"?
What was the "message" in the letter from the university president to the alumni (parag 4)? Why does the writer object to it? Was it more objectionable in form or in content?
Who was Thoreau? What is Walden? Why are references to the tow especially appropriate to Zinsser's essay?
What, according to Zinsser, is the relation between clear thinking and good writing? Can you have one without the other? What is meant by a "muddy thinker" (parag.7)? Why is it "impossible for a muddy thinker to write good English"?
Why does the author think most people fall asleep while reading? What is his attitude toward such people?
In paragraph 11, Zinsser calls attention to a writer's necessary awareness of the composing process. What elements of the process of writing does the author include in that paragraph? In that discussion, Zinsser speaks of fuzz in writing. What does he mean by the word as it relates to the writing process? To what does Zinsser compare the writer's thinking process? Why does he use such simple comparisons?
Explain the meaning of hte last sentence. What does it indicate about the author's attitude toward his work?

Download Zinsser's book and read the essay titled "Simplicity".