The ultimate objective of this course is to design a problem-based virtual learning tour. This tour is a project oriented on the subject field you teach or intend to teach. As a laying of foundation for designing this learning tour, Bloom’s taxonomy of thinking and multiple intelligences will be explored. Sample projects will also be examined and evaluated. You will be practicing advanced MSFT applications to utilize in the making of the project. The project should be a holistic unit of instruction accompanied with instructions so that anyone else who intends to use it will have clear instructions on how to. Other software and internet application will be explored. Practice outside of class time is necessary to master the concepts and practices of the classroom.
Blog Evaluation: January 11, 2019
Attend Webinars: Dates vary
WebQuests: TBA
Submit scientific posters: TBA
Activinsprie lesson: TBA
Important Dates

Integrating Technology
into Education
"in alta tende"